New Delhi: For some time, the news of the rift between the leaders of the opposition alliance India Block has been in the news. Now after Mamata Banerjee, Akhilesh Yadav and Tejashwi Yadav, Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah has given a big statement about the future of India Block.
Omar Abdullah said that it is unfortunate that no meeting of India Block is being held. Who will be its leader? What will be the agenda? How will the alliance move forward? There is no discussion on this. There is no clarity on whether we will remain united or not.
Abdullah said that there should be a meeting of the alliance after the Delhi elections. There should be clarity. If the alliance was only till the Lok Sabha, then close the India Alliance. But if it has to be kept in the Assembly as well, then the alliance should work together.
Former Deputy Chief Minister of Bihar Tejashwi Yadav had earlier said on the question of the breakup of India Block that it was already decided that India Block is for the Lok Sabha. If we talk about Bihar, here we were together from the beginning. Regarding the possibility of RJD contesting the Delhi assembly elections, he had said that our party has not yet decided whether to contest the elections in Delhi or not.
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