New Delhi: The two-day special session of the Delhi Assembly has begun on Thursday. With the beginning of the assembly session, a big mystery has been solved that who is sitting where in the assembly now after Atishi became the CM. It has also come to light that no chair has been left vacant for former CM Kejriwal in the assembly. Atishi is now sitting on the first seat. Kejriwal has been allotted seat number-41.
Let us tell you, according to the new seating plan, Delhi’s new Chief Minister Atishi will now sit on the first seat. Meanwhile, former Delhi Chief Minister and Aam Aadmi Party chief Arvind Kejriwal has been allotted seat number 41. Atishi, who became the third woman Chief Minister of Delhi last week, was earlier sitting on seat number 19. The seat numbers of many Delhi ministers including Saurabh Bhardwaj, Kailash Gehlot and Mukesh Ahlawat have been changed. The seat number of Leader of Opposition in Delhi Assembly Vijender Gupta has been changed from 94 to 100.’
The new seating plan comes days after Atishi took charge as the Chief Minister. Atishi, an MLA from Kalkaji assembly, took charge on September 23. However, she refused to sit on AAP convenor Arvind Kejriwal’s chair and kept it next to her to reiterate her unwavering faith in the former Chief Minister.
After taking oath as the Chief Minister, Atishi said that she will serve as the Chief Minister of Delhi for four months like Bharata of Ramayana, who ruled Ayodhya in the absence of his elder brother Lord Rama by placing his wooden slippers on the throne.
Atishi had said, “Today I am carrying the same burden that Bharata had carried. Just as he ruled by placing Lord Rama’s padukas on the throne, I will also rule Delhi for the next four months with the same spirit.”
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