Mumbai. Bollywood actor Vikrant Massey is known for his strong acting in the industry. Vikrant’s film ‘The Sabarmati Report’ was released last month. This movie may not have done wonders at the box office, but Vikrant’s acting is being praised a lot in it. In such a situation, now a post by Vikrant has surprised everyone. On December 1, Vikrant Massey has announced his retirement from acting. As soon as this post of Vikrant came out, fans are commenting fiercely on social media.
Now the time has come…
Vikrant Massey has shared a post on his official Instagram handle early in the morning of December 1. In this post, the actor wrote, ‘Namaste, the last few years and the time after that have been wonderful. I thank you all for your full support. But as I move forward, I realize that it’s time to pick myself up again and go back home. As a husband, father and son and also as an actor. So, in 2025 we will meet each other for the last time. Until the time feels right. Last 2 films and memories of many years. Thank you again. For everything and for everything that happened in between. Forever indebted.’ Along with this, the actor has also shared a folded hands emoji.
People’s reactions came fiercely
Fans are very disappointed to see this post of Vikrant Massey on social media. No one expected him to retire from acting so soon. Commenting on this, while many users called his decision right, many are sad at not being able to see him on screen now. One user wrote, ‘My only favorite is to leave Bollywood.’ Another writes, ‘There is already enough sadness, you have given another big one.’ One said, ‘I hope this is not true.’ There are many more such comments on this post in which users are not able to believe this decision of Vikrant.
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