Prayagraj: Maha Kumbh Fair started on Monday with the bath on Paush Purnima. On Monday, 1.5 crore people took a holy dip in the Ganga and Sangam. Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath welcomed all the devotees, saints, Kalpvasis and visitors and wished them the first bath of Maha Kumbh. He described Maha Kumbh (Maha Kumbh 2025) as a symbol of India’s spiritual and cultural dignity.
CM Yogi has written on his social media handle X, “Hearty congratulations to all the saints, Kalpvasis, devotees who got the privilege of bathing in the Sangam on the auspicious occasion of ‘Paush Purnima’ in the auspicious festival of humanity ‘Maha Kumbh 2025’. Today, on the first bath festival, 1.50 crore Sanatan believers earned the holy benefit of bathing in the uninterrupted-clean Triveni.”
Further he has written, “All the departments of the Central and State Government associated with Maha Kumbh, including Maha Kumbh Mela Administration, Prayagraj Administration, UP Police, Municipal Corporation Prayagraj, Swachhagrahis, Ganga Sevadoots, Kumbh Sahayaks, religious-social organizations, various voluntary organizations and friends from the media world, who participated in the successful completion of the first bath festival. Heartfelt thanks to him! May your good deeds bear fruit, let’s go to Maha Kumbh.”
Highlighting the importance of bathing in the Ganga on Paush Purnima, Tirtha Purohit Rajendra Mishra said that bathing in the Ganga on Paush Purnima, the 15th day of the Shukla Paksha of the month of Paush, erases all kinds of sins. He said, “Along with Paush Purnima, the month-long Kalpavas has also started from today. During this time, people lead a kind of austere life by bathing in the Ganga three times a day for a month and sing hymns of God.”
Prime Minister Narendra Modi wrote on the social media platform ‘X’, “A special day for crores of people who follow Indian values and culture, Maha Kumbh 2025 has started in Prayagraj, where innumerable people are gathering in a sacred confluence of faith, dedication and culture. Maha Kumbh is a symbol of India’s eternal heritage.” He wrote, “I am overwhelmed to see innumerable people coming there to take a dip and take blessings from the saints. Wishing all the devotees and tourists a wonderful stay.”
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