
Monkeypox Virus: First fever, then rashes appear; know what to do to prevent it

August 17, 2024

New Delhi: Monkeypox, now commonly called Mpox, is a rare viral disease caused by the monkeypox virus. This virus is related to smallpox, and is also a poxvirus. However, unlike smallpox, monkeypox is usually less fatal and contagious.

What is Mpox virus?
Mpox is a viral disease caused by the monkeypox virus, a species of the Orthopoxvirus genus. Mpox was formerly known as monkeypox. This virus was first identified in 1958. At that time the outbreak of this disease in monkeys had increased a lot. Mpox virus is related to diseases like smallpox, cowpox, vaccinia. This virus belongs to the same orthopox virus family in which all other pox viruses are. Mpox virus is an infection spreading in monkeys, that is why it is being called monkeypox virus. This virus also spreads to humans by coming in contact with an infected animal.

There are two types of monkeypox virus

  • Clade One: It causes more severe disease and death. It has been reported that up to 10 percent of patients who get sick with it are at risk of death. However, the mortality rate has been low in recent outbreaks. Clade One is at the local level in Central Africa.
  • Clade Two: Its infection started with a global outbreak in 2022. Infections caused by Clade Two, monkeypox, are less severe. More than 99.9 percent of people survive. Clade Two is at the local level in West Africa.

These people should be carefree
According to reports, people who have had smallpox or chickenpox or have been vaccinated for it, have almost no risk of getting this disease.

Symptoms of monkeypox virus
Symptoms of monkeypox virus can include fever, headache, muscle pain, fatigue, and skin rashes or pimples. This virus usually spreads from person to person through contact, such as physical contact with an infected person, or coming in contact with things used by an infected person. The symptoms of this virus last for 2 to 4 weeks. Children, pregnant women and people with weak immune systems are at greater risk of this infection.

Who is at greater risk?
Children, the elderly, the sick, pregnant women are at greater risk. After they get infected, the disease can become severe. Therefore, after identifying the infected patient, they should be immediately kept in isolation. In many people, its infection causes pneumonia and meningitis and later becomes septicemia, which has a high risk of death.

WHO’s warning?
Once again, after the WHO declared a global public health emergency regarding monkeypox, a widespread discussion has started on it. Obviously, this cannot be taken lightly now. Because after Covid, WHO’s warning is now being taken seriously, so after this warning, all countries will have to start monitoring their borders. Preparations will have to be made to stop the infection. Systems will have to be prepared for the disease caused by it. If the virus enters, then an isolation ward will be needed for it. Protocols will have to be prepared from investigation to treatment.


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Sat Aug 17 , 2024
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