Lucknow. A heart-wrenching incident has come to light in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. The bodies of 4 daughters and their mother have been recovered from a hotel here. The surprising thing is that two of the 4 daughters are minors. Whereas, the age of two is also 18 and 19 years. These 5 murders inside the hotel of Lucknow have created a sensation in the entire city. It is being told that the son has killed his mother and 4 sisters. Sources said that marks of thin sharp weapon have been found on the wrist and neck.
According to the police, the incident took place in Naka police station area of Lucknow. The family living in Agra was staying at Hotel Sharanjit in Lucknow. After the incident, the police has taken the son into custody and started questioning him. Initial investigation has revealed family discord. The police have taken the bodies into custody and sent them for post-mortem.
Names of the deceased
1. Aaliya (age 9 years, sister)
2. Alshia (age 19 years, sister)
3. Aksa (age 16 years, sister)
4. Rehmin (age 18 years, sister)
5. Asma (mother)
Family feud became the reason for the murders!
The name of the accused who carried out the crime is Arshad (24). He has confessed to the murder during police interrogation. He has told the police that he was having a dispute with his family over something, due to which he carried out the crime. It is being told that the accused Arshad is originally a resident of Islam Nagar, Tehri Bagiya, Kuberpur, Agra.
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