New Delhi. In a meeting between Union Home Minister Amit Shah and Mahayuti leaders in Delhi, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) offered Eknath Shinde the post of Deputy Chief Minister. However, Shinde is currently hesitant to accept the offer. His disagreement has created a political crisis for the BJP. According to sources, Eknath Shinde has demanded the BJP to give the post of Deputy Chief Minister to another leader of his Shiv Sena faction. He has even expressed the idea of staying out of the government completely. However, the BJP is not ready to sideline Shinde. It considers him important in the new government. Shinde feels that accepting the post of Deputy Chief Minister will be a decline in his political stature after the post of Chief Minister.
According to sources, Shinde has suggested the name of his son Srikant Shinde for the post of Deputy Chief Minister. Considering the experience of Srikant Shinde, the BJP is considering him as its candidate. The BJP is hesitant to make a new Chief Minister. The BJP also feels that doing so may lead to allegations of dynastic politics. Also, many senior leaders of the Shinde faction may express discontent, which may lead to internal strife.
If Shrikant Shinde becomes the Deputy Chief Minister, he will have to work with experienced leaders like Ajit Pawar. Comparison between these two can weaken the image of the Shiv Sena faction. BJP strategists are also worried that Shrikant’s aggressive political style can create problems within the government.
The BJP considers Eknath Shinde as important in its government. In the last one year, Shinde has emerged as a prominent face of the Maratha community in Maharashtra. His association with Maratha leaders, such as activist Manoj Jarange Patil, has strengthened his position. Shinde’s popularity and credibility among the Marathas is a big asset for the BJP. In case of protests or unrest on the Maratha reservation issue in the future, the BJP feels that Shinde’s role will be beneficial for the government.
The challenge of keeping Pawar under control
The BJP is also insisting on Shinde’s presence because Ajit Pawar’s influence is increasing in the Mahayuti alliance. If Shinde steps back, Pawar’s hold on the government may become stronger. To balance Pawar’s influence, the BJP wants to keep two strong Maratha leaders in key positions. Shinde’s continued participation will ensure that Pawar’s influence does not dominate the alliance.
Demand for several major departments in exchange for Deputy CM
Shinde is not ready to accept the post of Deputy Chief Minister, but instead he has demanded important departments like Home, Urban Development and Public Works. These ministries are considered the most important in the government. The BJP is considering these demands, but it is not yet clear whether these demands will be accepted or not.
Eknath Shinde’s role in the Mahayuti government is not limited to just the ministerial post. He is considered an important link to connect with the Maratha community. During his tenure as Chief Minister, Shinde helped the BJP deal with difficult situations like division in Shiv Sena and Maratha opposition. His absence can become a big challenge for the BJP. Also, Shinde’s exit can give more courage to Ajit Pawar who has already strengthened his position in the Mahayuti alliance.
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