New Delhi: The central government has approved the PM Vidyalakshmi Yojana. The purpose of this scheme is that there should be no hindrance in the studies of meritorious students. Union Minister Ashwini Vaishnav said that the benefit of PM Vidyalakshmi Yojana will be available in education loan. He told that education loan up to Rs 10 lakh can be taken from banks at affordable rates for the education of needy children. Vaishnav told that meritorious children will be able to take loan from banks for studies from higher educational institutions. With the effect of this scheme, now there will be no hindrance in the higher education of children due to lack of money.
The education loan will cover the entire amount of tuition fees and other expenses related to the course of students taking admission in Quality Higher Education Institute (QHEI). Vaishnav told that collateral-free, guarantor-free loans can be taken from banks and financial institutions.
Vaishnav said that families whose annual family income is Rs 8 lakh. For the education of students of these families, 3% interest subsidy will be given on loans up to Rs 10 lakh under PM Vidyalakshmi Yojana. Government of India will give 75% credit guarantee on loans up to Rs 7.5 lakh. He said that the mission mode mechanism will facilitate the expansion of education.
Apart from the education of meritorious children, the cabinet has taken many other important decisions. Vaishnav said that FCI has a very big role in the purchase of food grains. Today a decision was also taken to strengthen the Food Corporation of India (FCI). The cabinet has decided to give new equity capital of Rs 10,700 crore to FCI.
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