Mumbai: The conspiracy to kidnap comedian Sunil Pal was not yet properly exposed that another case of kidnapping and extortion of an actor has come to light. Bijnor police has registered a case on the complaint of actor Mushtaq Khan’s event manager. According to Bijnor police, actor Mushtaq Khan was called by a person named Rahul Saini, a resident of Meerut, to attend an event to honor senior people and for this he was given Rs 50 thousand in advance.
On November 20, actor Mushtaq Khan arrived from Mumbai to Delhi by flight. It is alleged that Mushtaq Khan was kidnapped on Meerut Highway while coming from the airport to Meerut. After the kidnapping, the kidnappers demanded ransom from him and took him to Bijnor and forcibly collected money from the actor. The actor’s manager Shivam Yadav lodged a complaint of kidnapping in Bijnor’s Kotwali police station. On which the police, considering Bijnor as the place of incident, registered a case of kidnapping and ransom on the complaint of Shivam Yadav.
According to Bijnor police, when actor Mushtaq Khan left for Meerut from Delhi airport, another person was also in the cab along with the driver. The cab driver stopped the car and made Mushtaq Khan sit in another car saying that this car will take you to Meerut further. The driver of the old car was driving the car and after going some distance on the highway, he stopped the car on the way and made two other people sit. When Mushtaq Khan objected, those people beat him up and took him into their custody.
After this, all those people took the car to an unknown place. From there, they took Mushtaq Khan to a house. Money was demanded from him. The miscreants took Mushtaq Khan’s mobile and transferred the money from his account to their account. According to Mushtaq Khan, the kidnappers tortured him and got two lakh rupees transferred from his son Mohsin’s account.
Apart from this, he transferred one lakh rupees from his wife’s account to the kidnappers’ account. When the kidnappers slept with him in the room at night, he somehow managed to get out of there and entered a mosque to save his life. He told the whole thing to the mosque’s Maulvi and asked for his help. On which the Maulvi informed his family members about it and after that he left for Mumbai from there.
On the complaint of Mushtaq Khan’s manager Shivam Yadav, a case of kidnapping and extortion has been registered against five people including the main accused Rahul Saini in Police Station Kotwali City Bijnor. Bijnor Superintendent of Police Abhishek Jha said that this case is being investigated thoroughly and three teams have been formed for the immediate arrest of the miscreants. The case will be disclosed soon.
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