
Students will be taught traffic rules in MP schools

December 10, 2024

Bhopal: The School Education Department in Madhya Pradesh has started a new exercise. Now school students in the state will be taught the rules of traffic. Regarding this, School Education Minister Uday Pratap Singh said that it is better to teach children through small lessons from childhood than learning something when they grow up. It will start from the upcoming education session 2025-26. With this exercise of the School Education Department, children will get the right information about traffic rules.

School Education Minister Rao Uday Pratap Singh said that it is better to teach children through small lessons from childhood than learning something when they grow up. If something is taught from the time of childhood, then it is understood better. He said that it is a good thing to teach children how traffic rules are followed and how the rules are violated.

According to the information, the curriculum is also being prepared in such a way that there is no repetition in it. Also, their content should be according to the intellectual level of the students. The fifth grade book has eight chapters. It includes information like how to drive a vehicle on the road, in which direction, what is rotary, how many types of vehicles are there according to pollution standards, how many types of licenses are there.

The number of road accidents and people losing their lives in it is constantly increasing in the state. Even after strictness against those breaking traffic rules, the incidents are increasing. Another matter of concern is that the number of deaths has increased much more than the rate at which accidents have increased. Police headquarters officials say that along with strictness, it is also necessary to change the thinking of the people and there can be no better group than students for this beginning.


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Wed Dec 11 , 2024
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