Mumbai: There is a plan to increase the amount of Ladli Behan Scheme from Rs 1500 to Rs 2100 in Maharashtra. This will be discussed in the next budget session. Devendra Fadnavis has made this big announcement after taking oath as the CM of Maharashtra. Actually, after the oath of the new government, CM Devendra Fadnavis, Deputy CM Eknath Shinde and Ajit Pawar held a meeting.
After the first cabinet meeting, the CM issued a statement in the media saying that the pace of development that Maharashtra has taken in the last two and a half years will continue. The new government will take this pace forward. He clarified that even though my role in the government has changed, the direction, pace of the government and the coordination between the Mahayuti parties remains the same as before.
On Ladli Behan Yojana, CM said that under this scheme, women will be given 2100 rupees in future. A decision will be taken after discussing it during the budget. Let us tell you that under this scheme, women are currently given 1500 rupees. He said that the promises we made in our manifesto before winning the elections will be fulfilled. The various development schemes that we have started in our previous tenure will continue in future as well.
CM said that we will not do politics of revenge. We will only do politics to bring about change. He told that there will be a special session of Maharashtra Legislative Assembly on 7, 8 and 9 December. The Speaker of the Legislative Assembly will be elected on 9 December. He said that before this the cabinet will be expanded. CM said that Eknath Shinde and Ajit Pawar are with me. People want a stable government, so they have chosen us and we will stay together and work together. He told that during the cabinet expansion, the old work done by the MLAs will be kept in mind.
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